
Why Solo Travel is Essential to Any Healing Journey

When I first started traveling solo in the summer of 2019, I knew I was on the search for something. I didn’t quite know what I’d find, but I knew it wasn’t anything I currently had. What I was looking for, was me. I didn’t quite know it yet because I hadn’t done the digging or the shadow work to identify what was missing, but I knew I was on my way to whatever it was.

Solo travel quickly became an essential part of my own healing journey, and while I took a break from it to travel with someone I loved deeply, I’ve recently found myself at the precipice again: about to step out solo, on the search for something important, but this time, I know what it is.

Solo travel can be transformational. There truly is nothing like spending every waking hour of your days by yourself, outside of your comfort zone. It can bring you back to your very center, and leave you asking yourself, “Why did I do this in the first place?” But the thing is, no matter how hard solo travel is, it can also be incredibly eye opening. So, let’s dive into why solo travel is so essential to your healing journey, and how you can discover yourself on the road.


Solo Travel Forces You to Dig Deep

Let’s just jump right in. Solo travel is intensely transformational for so many reasons, but one of the deepest of all is how much you can learn about yourself in a short amount of time. Travel in any way is meant to put you out of your comfort zone, which leads to a lot of problem solving, whether it’s trying to translate a foreign language in an area with no cell service, or trying to spontaneously find a place to sleep at night. Being alone in the world only adds to this, which forces you to be with yourself during these tough situations. Any triggers that come up as you navigate these problems can highlight healing that you need to address either on your trip, or when you return home.

For example:

“Why does it make me so uncomfortable to stray from my planned itinerary?”

“Can I trust that everything will work out?”

“In what ways can I learn to go with the flow more?”

Solo travel is fantastic at putting you in a place where you can readily receive these questions, and then spend enough time with yourself to find the answer.


Solo Travel Allows for Reinvention

When I was a kid, I always wished that I could start over and completely “reinvent myself.” Really, what I wanted was to end up in a situation where no one knew the old me, which would mean that I could finally be my authentic self safely. Solo travel is the perfect opportunity for you to try on who you really are. So many people travel solo for the purpose of moving past some sort of trauma, be it a breakup, the passing of someone close to them, or a major life change. As you try to find your happiness again, use this as an opportunity to embody the person you truly are. After all, odds are, you’ll never see most of the people you meet while traveling again anyway.

Questions to ask:

“Who am I when I’m home alone? How can I be that person all the time?”

“What is something I’ve always wanted to try?”


Solo Travel Gets You Out of Your Comfort Zone

I’ve mentioned this a few times already, but traveling solo is the ultimate way to get out of your comfort zone. Your comfort zone keeps you safe. I see it similarly, or attached to, the spiritual ego. It is designed to keep you out of “danger,” but it can also stifle your growth. Growth itself can be uncomfortable, and solo travel pushes you out of your comfort zone in such a way that it forces growth. Things will not always go as planned, and you can either stay in the mentality of controlling your environment (comfort zone), or embrace change, and learn to go with the flow in the most beautiful way.

Things to ponder:

“How can I react differently to this situation?”

“In what ways can I embrace the unknown today?”

Solo Travel Shows You Just How Powerful You Are

A lot of times, when people set out on their healing journey, it’s caused by a feeling of needing to overcome something. Traveling solo forces you to problem solve, it makes it so that you have to be there for yourself when things aren’t quite going your way, and because of that, along your journey, you’ll surely learn exactly how capable and powerful you are. There’s nothing like finishing a really hard hike alone, or figuring out a problem on the road by yourself, or finishing a 3 month road trip that you did solo (believe me, I’d know). Whether you’re accomplishing climbing a mountain, or convincing yourself to go try that new restaurant alone, there is an absolute sense of pride that comes with solo travel and exploration. And, if anything, it’s good to simply be proud of yourself for getting out there any trying, because that is powerful in and of itself.

Ask yourself:

“What did I accomplish that I’m proud of today?”

“How can I overcome this challenge on my own?”

“What would I require from another person if I wasn’t alone in this situation? How can I give that to myself instead?”

Solo travel can push us out of our comfort zones, teach us about our very souls, and show us how extremely powerful we are. It has been a crucial step in so many people’s healing journeys for a reason, so consider making it part of yours. Just be sure to be safe, use your intuition, and have fun. And, remember, it’s okay to ask for help if you need it.

I am going to be offering channeled guidance sessions and card readings on my new section of the site soon: Sunbird Soul, named after my 1985 VW Vanagon that I call Sunbird! If you’re looking for some guidance on your journey, consider signing up for my email list so you know when that goes live!

Looking for tips on how to stay safe traveling solo? Check out this safety post I wrote for all my solo travel tips!

How to Prepare for Your Baja Road Trip

So, you’re thinking about road tripping Baja California and Baja California Sur, Mexico? Even for the veteran road tripper, crossing the US-Mexican border requires a lot of extra steps. From documents, to passports, to ridding your vehicle of things that are illegal to have in Mexico, there’s a lot more to do before your Baja Road Trip than any road trip within the Lower 48. This is everything we did before our road trip through Baja.


Necessary Documents:

The first thing you absolutely need to have for any safe and secure Baja road trip, is a valid passport. Many people will tell you that you can visit Baja without a passport, but don’t risk it, and make sure your passport doesn’t expire within 6 months of you crossing the border into Mexico, or it isn’t considered valid.

The next thing you’ll absolutely need to drive your US vehicle in Mexico is Mexican car insurance. There are plenty of different companies to buy this through, so figure out which has the best plan for you based on how long you think you’ll want to spend in Mexico.

A vehicle import permit is not required for Baja, however, if you plan on ferrying to the mainland at any point during your trip, you will need to pay this at the border. This is basically a promise to the US that your vehicle will be returned to your home country at the end of your trip.


Many people will also argue about the importance of having an FMM tourist visa as well, but just like the passport, don’t risk it. You can purchase this either online (but make sure you print your receipt), or at the border. We chose to do ours at the border, and it was easier than any other part of our border crossing. This is a 6 month tourist visa, and it costs $32 USD per person to purchase.

Veterinary records are also not necessarily required by the border, but we chose to print ours out, just in case either the borders asked for them, or we needed to see a vet for our dog while in Mexico. Some borders (like Tijuana) require that your dog is in a clean pet carrier to cross, but others don’t enforce this (like Mexicali, where we crossed).

Find Out What You Can’t Bring to Mexico:

There are a lot of things that you can’t or aren’t supposed to bring to Mexico. The items we chose to leave behind, either because they weren’t allowed, or the rules weren’t clear included:

·       CBD (including pet CBD)

·       Bear Spray and Pepper Spray

·       Peat Moss for our composting toilet

·       Fresh fruits and veggies

·       Alcohol

·       Firewood

Our friends also had issues bringing expensive camera gear across the border, and were required to pay an extra fee to bring their drone into Baja. Be prepared for anything!


Decide on a Border Crossing

There are three direct border crossings into Baja: Tijuana, Tecate, and Mexicali.

We chose to cross at Mexicali because it has short lines, and less strict rules about pets than Tijuana. Tijuana tends to have long lines, and because it’s located in a chaotic city, it may be harder to navigate. The Tecate border crossing seems convenient, but it also has long lines, and closes at 2pm everyday, so many people don’t make it through even when they’ve been waiting in line.

Now, you’re ready to cross the border. Decide on your first stop before getting through the border crossing, in case they ask, or you get stopped at a Military Checkpoint (routine checks to make sure you’re traveling legally), and have fun! Bienvenidos A Mexico!

Sedona, AZ Bucket List

Sedona, AZ is already a bucket list destination for hikers, photographers, spiritualists, and vanlifers, but what do you do once you get to Sedona? From the crowded trailheads, to the must-see Uptown Sedona, this is everything you need to do and see in Sedona, AZ.

What to know before you go…

The best time of year to visit Sedona, according to the weather, is between October and April, but the best time of year to visit according to the crowds is in the summer. Sedona is located in Northern Arizona, so it gets really hot in the summer, making it almost impossible to hike. In the winter, though, the crowds make it so that you need to choose a hike the night before, and get there first thing in the morning in order to find a parking spot that allows you to actually hike.

Most hikes in Sedona that aren’t affiliated with a state park are dog friendly, so feel free to bring your furry friend along!

On the Soldier’s Pass Trail

On the Soldier’s Pass Trail

Visiting Sedona Vortexes

Sedona is a highly spiritual location full of energy Vortexes. These are natural spaces that are known to be super energetically charged, so much so that spiritual people can feel an energy shift while they are near them. You can recognize them by the swirly “vortex trees,” and they’re often found at the top of hikes like Cathedral Rock and Boynton Canyon.

At the Boynton Canyon Mesa

At the Boynton Canyon Mesa

Hikes You Should Do

Sedona is known for hiking. This is the main thing we do whenever we visit Sedona, and there are so many trails, I definitely haven’t hiked even close to all of them. These are my favorites for first time visitors, though, so that you get the best experience.

Devils Bridge: 4 miles RT, easy-moderate. Devils Bridge takes you to the famous bridge arch formation, where you can get your perfect picture. The trail starts on a 4x4 dirt road, and eventually climbs to the viewpoint. Be careful on the bridge though—it’s narrow!

Devils Bridge Trail

Devils Bridge Trail

Cathedral Rock: 1.2 miles RT, moderate-difficult. Cathedral Rock is a straight ascent of about 700 feet up to a beautiful viewpoint and spiritual vortex. This hike involves some heavy rock scrambling, and I highly recommend going in real hiking boots.

Solider’s Pass Trail and Seven Sacred Pools: as long as you want it to be, easy-moderate. The Seven Sacred Pools are an easy .25 miles from the trailhead, but if you want to go to Soldier’s Pass or the nearby caves, you’ll be doing about a 4 mile hike. We liked returning by walking the 4x4 road to avoid crowds going to the Seven Sacred Pools from Jordan Pond.

The Birthing Cave: 2 miles RT, moderate. This cave trail is easy until it reaches a steep ascent during the last .25 miles to the top. Traditionally, Hopi women came here to give birth, which is part of how it got its name (the other reason being its yonic shape). This is a very busy trail, so be prepared for crowds, and if you want a picture perfect scene for the ‘gram, get there early!

Cathedral Rock Trail

Cathedral Rock Trail

Healthy Hippie Bites

Sedona is a true hippie town full of amazing plant based food. These are my favorite spots for any meal, any time of day.

ChocolaTree: If you’re looking for amazing lunch or dinner food, ChocolaTree has you covered for vegetarian food. With options for any budget and diet, including raw vegan, you’ll love this organic eatery. My favorite thing to order at ChocolaTree is the Mushroom Fantasy.

Local Juicery: If you’re looking for a quick bite for lunch, Local Juicery is an amazing choice. From smoothies and juices, to easy on-the-go meals, this is the place to stop for any food you’re craving. My favorite thing to order here is the Avocado Toast.

Berry Devine: For anyone trying to cool off after a hike, Berry Devine has got you covered. This acai bowl place carries organic acai soft serve perfect for quenching any thirst. My favorite thing to order here is the Vortex Bowl with agave instead of honey and vegan granola.

At a Vortex just after sunrise

At a Vortex just after sunrise

Visit Uptown

Shopping, believe it or not, is another thing you have to do in Sedona. But not just any shopping: crystal shopping. Sedona’s Uptown is their version of downtown, with shops after shops, and restaurants you won’t find anywhere else. Aside from the clothes and art galleries, you’ll find endless metaphysical shops in Uptown, and these are the perfect spots to buy crystals and other spiritual goodies during your trip. My favorite metaphysical shop in Uptown is called the Center For New Age, a shop where the spiritual energy is high, and you’ll find the most genuine crystals in town. They also have affordable incense, a spiritual bookshop, and a vortex at the back of the store.


Sedona, AZ is one of my favorite places in the US, and as a spiritualist, it’s a must see for anyone who connects to the energy of the universe. Even if you’re skeptical, no one can doubt that the hikes here are incredible, and there’s no chance that there is a more beautiful desert town in the Southwest.

Live in a van? Check out last year’s Vanlife Guide to Sedona at the link below!

Beautiful Destinations for Beginner Vanlifers

Vanlife is becoming the newest movement, and with so many people embracing the nomadic lifestyle, there are more visitors than ever to a lot of the most popular places in the US. While places like Yosemite, Yellowstone, the Grand Canyon, and Glacier National Park, are incredible, when you drive a large vehicle, these places aren’t as accessible as we might like them to be. However, there are lots of places in the country that are super accessible to vanlifers, and are must see’s when it comes to getting out and exploring the country for the first time. These are my favorites for when you first hit the road.


Sedona, AZ

Sedona is a vanlife hotspot that everybody already knows about. It’s not a secret destination, but it is incredibly van friendly, and the locals are welcoming to vanlifers. There’s Forest Road to camp along, free water fillups in town, and three major grocery stores to shop at. Not to mention, the endless hiking trails, beautiful scenery, and good plant based food. This is an area that people travel to every year, whether they live in a van or not, and the accessibility of the things to do, great places to sleep, and easy ways to stock up on supplies makes it a great choice for beginners.

Cons: The trailhead parking lots are super small, so if you live in a big vehicle like me, you might have trouble parking at some of the most popular trails.

Learn more about Sedona in last year’s blog post: A Vanlife Guide to Sedona


Joshua Tree National Park, CA

National Parks are notoriously inaccessible, but Joshua Tree is a small exception. This beautiful National Park has large vehicle accessible parking, lots to see, do, and hike, stunning desert scenery, and nearby BLM land to park on, on both the South and North ends of the park. You can also fill up water in all bathrooms with running water, both on the South side of the park at the Cottonwood Visitor Center, and the North Entrance Station.

Cons: Joshua Tree is not dog friendly. While your dog can accompany you into the park, they are only allowed in the picnic areas, and not on any of the trails.


Bend, OR

Bend is easily one of my favorite places to be in the country. Aside from the adorable downtown, dog friendly trails, and nearby free camping in the Deschutes National Forest, this is truly a vanlife hotspot all year long. It’s even the site of one of the largest annual vanlife meetups, Descend on Bend. This is a super van friendly city where the locals know that vanlifers love to pass through. You’re allowed to park overnight on the streets in the city, too, if you don’t feel like driving out to the National Forest.

Cons: It is a larger city, which makes it a bit harder to navigate in a van. Be prepared for skinny dirt roads to get to camp, and busy highways to get into town for groceries.


Why I Decided to Travel Full Time

Believe it or not, “Vanlife at 23?” is one of the most common questions I get, and it opens up one of my favorite conversations to have, because yes! I live the vanlife full time, at age 23. I didn’t have a house that I sold for the vanlife, I didn’t even really downsize, and if anything, the newest rig, my Sprinter I bought with my partner, is the biggest space I’ve ever lived in, at 90 square feet split between two people and a medium sized dog.

To some people, the thought of living in a van and traveling full time is a dream, and to some, it seems unthinkable. This is why I decided to travel full time.

This is also to serve as a bit of a reintroduction as I start putting more energy into this space. Enjoy!


A bit of backstory

I graduated university one year early in June of 2019. Because I got my degree in three years instead of four, I was lucky enough to escape student debt, but despite the year I graduated, summer 2019 was going to be the summer I traveled for 3 months with the goal of hitting all 48 connecting US states in my Kia Soul. I was originally planning on having to go back to school that fall, but I’m so glad I didn’t because the trip I took inspired me to keep traveling for much more than just 3 months, and to much more than just the 48 states. After completing my 48 state loop, I returned home to California, bought my first van, and kept traveling, slowing down for most of 2020, and buying a Sprinter Van with my partner in November 2020, which we’re moving into this week full time.


Why I didn’t wait

There are so many stories of vanlifers and full time vagabonds who got full time jobs after college and ended up quitting those jobs for a life on the road. Well, I basically decided to skip a step because I already knew that when I graduated I wanted to travel. So I started working online before graduation, worked in my downtime while I traveled in my Kia Soul, and wanted to keep going because I’d already proven to myself how possible it was.

My main philosophy with vanlife and full time travel was that I already knew I wanted to travel, so why should I waste my time at a job I knew I didn’t want, just dreaming, when I could simply make it happen for myself?


My philosophy for a life well lived

I realized when I was about 15, that there is more to life than just what society tells us. We have so many opportunities in this lifetime. I didn’t want to say no to a million of them just to sit behind a desk my whole life. I wanted to hike and dance and breathe and drive and listen to music and fall in love and sing campfire songs with my friends and experience it all because why not? We’re on this beautiful planet for a time, so make the most of it.


4 Adventurous Date Ideas for Valentine's Day

It’s almost Valentine’s Day, and for adventurous couples, friends, or even singles who want to take themselves out on a date, not being able to sit in a restaurant on your date this year might actually come as a blessing. There are so many things you can do for a romantic and adventurous Valentine’s Day outside, but as one half of an outdoorsy couple, these are my top 5 adventurous dates that you should try this Valentine’s Day.


Go on a sunrise hike…

There’s nothing more intimate than sharing a sunrise together. Head to your local National, State, or County park, and hit the trails for some spectacular sunrise views. This is a great opportunity to have a trail mostly all to yourselves before any crowds show up. And if you don’t feel like hiking first thing in the morning, simply wake up for sunrise and have a photoshoot.


Go on a guided or self guided tour…

If you’re looking to explore somewhere new this Valentine’s Day, think about taking a guided or self guided tour of your local park or city. Self guided tours and scavenger hunts are a fantastic way to get to know a place (and each other) better. One of my favorite tours I’ve ever taken was a self guided tour and scavenger hunt in Joshua Tree National Park, which I did through The Secret Tours (and this was actually my first date with Jared!).


Go shell collecting at the beach

Whether you live near the ocean or a lake, a great way to get to know someone and create great memories together is to go shell or rock collecting. Disclaimer: please do not do this on any protected land such as National Parks or in the state of Hawaii. A great idea is to choose a rock that you think the other person would love, so that the other person always has something to remember the date by.


Try something new

Trying something new together is a great way to get to know someone or bond with your favorite person. Rent paddle boards or kayaks, sign up for a day pass at your local climbing gym, take the ferry to a nearby island if you live on the coast, or go on an adventurous hike together! There are so many ways to explore this Valentine’s Day, so hit the trails, the waves, or the mountaintops.

Tips for Beginner Solo Travelers

With vanlife growing exponentially, there are countless amounts of people hitting the road for the first time. In my time scanning the internet, I’ve noticed a lot of these people are solo, and that a lot of these solo travelers are women. Traveling full or part time is becoming more popular, and with that, comes a beautiful new community of road dwellers. But what also comes with that, is learning to adapt to your new life on the road. You’ve created the life you’ve imagined, so how can you truly live it?

These are my best tips for new solo travelers hitting the road for the first time.

Badlands National Park, SD

Badlands National Park, SD

Wake Up For Sunrise…

…At least once a month. When I first hit the road solo back in the summer of 2019, I woke up for sunrise almost everyday. The above picture is one of my favorite sunrises from that 3 month trip, in Badlands National Park, SD. Now that I’ve been on the road full time for almost 2 years, sunrises are more rare, but they’re always magical. Choose one day a month to truly cease your day, and wake up for sunrise, so you can make the most of the daylight you have, especially in the winter. Plus, there’s a special magic in experiencing a sunrise that’s all yours.

Sunrise in Mount Rainier National Park, WA

Sunrise in Mount Rainier National Park, WA

Follow Your Gut…

… And never doubt yourself. When you travel solo, especially if you’re a woman, your intuition will become a superpower. So many women ask how I stayed safe on the road as a solo female traveler, but my truth is, I listened to my intuition. I left places that felt sketchy to me, I avoided people that gave me weird vibes, and it kept me safe the entire time. If you pull up to a campsite and feel weird about it, save yourself the trouble, listen to that gut feeling, and find somewhere safe to sleep.


Don’t Post Your Location…

…Until after you’ve already left. This is my NUMBER ONE safety tip for solo travelers, especially those who identify as women. No matter what your social media following is, do not post your location on social media (even in Facebook groups, and especially in Facebook groups that are CoEd), until after you’ve left that location. I’ve found that posting a general location is okay (EX: California, Big Bend National Park, The Mountains, The PNW), but don’t post specific locations until you’re far away (EX: Quartzsite AZ, Big Baldy Trailhead, Half Dome, Camp 4). That way people can’t find you, and you remain safe where you are.

Indiana Dunes National Park, IN

Indiana Dunes National Park, IN

Do Meet People and Make Friends…

…And maybe even caravan with a few of them. Even though you want to keep your location secret, some of my best friends are people I’ve met on the road while traveling solo. Just combine tips 2 and 3: use your gut, and keep your location a secret (as in, maybe don’t share your campsite until you’ve gotten to know your new friend a bit). You’ll eventually have a group of people you’ve met all over the world, and a ton of travel buddies who love the same life you do.

Solo travel can 100% change your life. Just make sure you’re being smart about it so that you can enjoy this life you’ve created in a safer way.

The Vanlife Guide to Hitting the Road

It’s finally 2021, and with so many people hitting the road in their quarantine-built vans this winter, I thought it was about time I gave you all my ultimate tips for beginner vanlifers from someone who’s been on the road for almost 2 years. I started my vanlife journey in June of 2019 and have since been to 48 states and over 40 National Parks. I’ve camped in official campgrounds, Walmart parking lots, rest stops, and on BLM land. And I’ve showered at State Parks, with baby wipes, and outside. These are my favorite tips for beginner vanlifers so that you can hit the road easily this year.


Buy a National Parks Annual Pass

My best investment when I hit the road in 2019 was my America the Beautiful Pass. I’m now on my third annual pass, and I could not be more grateful for it and the money it’s saved me. When you’re traveling, especially if you’re in the US, you’re likely going to be hitting a lot of public lands, which includes National Parks. In the US, the average National Park costs $30 USD to enter. If you add up how much it would’ve costed me to pay the entrance fee at each of the 42 parks I’ve visited in my life, that would be over $1,200 USD. Purchasing three America the Beautiful Passes over the past few years at $80 each adds up to only $240 USD. While some parks, especially on the east coast are free to enter, there are over 400 National Park Service sites in the country, and having an annual pass is going to save you a ton of money. If you’re going to be traveling in Canada, check out their annual pass system as well.

My dog, Lassen, at my 42nd National Park, White Sands in New Mexico

My dog, Lassen, at my 42nd National Park, White Sands in New Mexico

Know That You Can Camp For Free

While I’ve done my fair share of paid camping, specifically while I was solo, there is a secret that many people don’t know about, and that’s free camping or boondocking. Of course, there are places you can park overnight for free such as rest stops (in some states) and Walmart parking lots, but if you want to experience the photogenic vanlife you’ve probably been dreaming of, you’ll want to look for National Forest and BLM (Bureau of Land Management) Land. Both of these types of public land allow dispersed camping on their dirt roads, which means your backyard for the night can be the woods, the desert, or the mountains!

A National Forest Spot I lived on for 2 weeks in 2020

A National Forest Spot I lived on for 2 weeks in 2020

Invest in a Solar Shower

So many people ask how you shower on the road, especially now that gyms are closed. When I used to pay for camping, I would often find myself at campgrounds that had showers or the option to pay for one. Now that the majority of my camping is done for free, showers are more few and far between. Solar Showers are a super basic concept that involves a black bag to hold water, and a hose that works with gravity. If it’s warm out, you can simply fill the bag with water and sit it in the sun for a few hours and it heats the water for you. If it’s cold, we’ll often boil half our water first. We got ours for about $15 at Walmart. Showering outside is incredibly liberating, and if you need a little more privacy, Wolfwise makes portable shower tents as well.


Download Your Google Maps

If you think you might be losing cell service while you drive anywhere, make sure you download your Google Maps to work offline. This means you’ll be able to get around safely, even without a signal. This has come in handy so many times, especially in Montana near Glacier National Park, and Washington, near Mount Adams.

There’s No Right Way to Vanlife

There’s this weird stigma I’ve realized is present in a lot of vanlife Facebook groups, and that is that there is a right way to do vanlife. The thing is, we’re all individuals on very individual journeys and what might work for one person might not for another. Don’t let anyone you meet influence your adventure. This is your journey, make it yours.


Products I’ve Loved During My Life on the Road (not sponsored)

  • Doctor Bronner’s Castille Soap

  • Outdoor “Mexican” blanket like the one in the above picture. You can find these at souvenir shops, and sometimes gas stations.

  • A wide brimmed hat like the one I’m wearing above

  • Tevas or some other type of trekking sandal

Top 5 Most Dog Friendly National Parks

We love traveling with our furry friends, but as a lot of people who like to travel in the US know, most National Parks aren’t super dog friendly. There are a few we’ve found since traveling with our border collie, Lassen, that we’ve loved due to the dog friendly trails. It’s made it easier to travel with him, and we all have so much fun getting to see the sights! These are our top 5 dog friendly National Parks.

Don’t miss the BARK Ranger program at many of these parks—a goal to educate dog owners on where their dogs can and can’t go in the park. Parks with BARK Ranger programs are specified below.


Great Sand Dunes, CO

If you’ve been following a while, you’ll know that we loved Great Sand Dunes National Park. This is a fairly large park, and the whole main area of the sand dunes is completely dog friendly. Your dog has to be on a leash, but we don’t mind! Lassen was able to climb to the top of High Dune with us and run with us down the sides of the dunes. We loved how dog friendly this park was, and so did Lassen!


White Sands, NM

White Sands National Park, NM is very similar to Great Sand Dunes. Dogs are allowed all over the dunes as long as they’re on a leash, which made this the perfect sunrise park for us. We love being able to take Lassen along on adventures, so it was great to not have to leave him in the car to experience the park. White Sands is also part of the BARK Ranger program.


Petrified Forest, AZ

While Petrified Forest is a small park, and one of the least visited, it’s also one of the most dog friendly. Lassen was able to come everywhere with us. Most of the trails in this park are paved, so as long as your dog is on a leash and stays with you on the trail, they’re allowed to accompany you throughout your entire trip through the park. Petrified Forest also has a BARK Ranger program where you can get a free treat for your dog.


Olympic, WA

Olympic was actually the park that coined the BARK Ranger program! Olympic is a huge park, and while not all of it is dog friendly, many of the beaches are! This was where Lassen first saw the ocean. Our favorite beaches to take our dog to were Rialto and Ruby Beach. Your dog is also allowed around Crescent Lake and on the Spruce Railroad Trail.


Black Canyon of the Gunnison, CO

While your dog can’t hike down into the canyon with you, this is the perfect National Park to take your dog to if you’re a sight-seeing type of traveler. Dogs are allowed to join you at all of the park lookouts, even the ones that are unpaved. Lassen and I had a great time driving to each viewpoint while Jared did a bigger hike into the canyon.

It’s unfortunately very hard to get a picture of a dog with a canyon you have to get very close to the railings of to see. But I promise he loved it!

It’s unfortunately very hard to get a picture of a dog with a canyon you have to get very close to the railings of to see. But I promise he loved it!

Honorable Mentions:

City of Rocks National Reserve, ID

Pictured Rocks National Lakeshore, MI

Agate Fossil Beds National Monument, NE

How to Find Work on the Road

One of the most common questions I get as a full time traveler is: What do you do for work? Or some variation of the question. “Do you have a job?” and “So, do you just have a bunch of money saved up?” Are common too, but the truth is, there are so many ways to make money on the road, so you can keep your trip going infinitely. I know there are so many of you wanting to do full time travel, whether that means vanlife, backpacking, or something of your own creation. Here are some of the best ways to make money on the road.


Work Online

One of the most common types of jobs on the road is a remote job that will allow you to work online while you travel. This will require you to have a fairly stable hotspot connection, or for you to stay near places that provide public WiFi. An online job can take many forms. Some people are fully employed by a company that allows them to work remotely, but some people, like myself, are self employed and part of the so-called gig economy.

My personal full time job outside of Halle’s Wandering Soul is freelance writing. I do everything from copywriting to content writing to social media, on a freelance or independent contractor basis. This makes me a small business owner, and allows me to work on my own schedule, and take days off whenever we choose to go off the grid.

I was able to take this vacation with my family with no notice given to my clients because I was able to work while on the trip.

I was able to take this vacation with my family with no notice given to my clients because I was able to work while on the trip.

Content Creation

This option definitely may not be for everyone, but it is a fraction of how I work on the road. Content Creation is a great option if you’re comfortable in front of a camera, and don’t shy away from pitching yourself to others. Content creation includes everything from YouTube, Instagram, TikTok, and any type of influencer work. I work with brands to promote their products, in exchange for a free product, and payment for my ad creation. Content Creation can also include affiliate links, which allow you to make a commission for helping a business make a sale through your platform.

If you’re interested in keeping this platform alive by supporting a couple of my affiliate links, or you’re just curious how they work, and what they look like, check out some of my brand partners below!

Another amazing option for content creation is Patreon, where people support you as a creator and you provide extra content to them outside of what you’re normally creating.

Content Creation is my second full time job on the road, and while it’s a ton of work, it’s also a ton of fun!

Content Creation is my second full time job on the road, and while it’s a ton of work, it’s also a ton of fun!

Seasonal Work

While I personally haven’t used this option, this is something a lot of my vanlife friends do on the road. When it arises that they need to make a little money, they’ll find a short term job on the road that’ll allow them to make some money in a cool place while living in their van. This means they can have a stable income for a few months, while still living rent free. There are a lot of jobs around the US and around the world that are like this, and you can find outdoorsy jobs through sites like Occupation Wild.


Run Your Own Shop

This is something a few of my friends do already (@_littleroamer is a great example), and something that I’ll be venturing into very soon! The main problem here is that you have to have enough room to keep inventory up, and have the means to ship out products while on the road as orders come in. The most effective way people generally do this is by creating one shop update a month, rather than creating certain products. This is a great option for people who want to create something more hands-on than just content.

This can include things that aren’t necessarily physical too though, such as photography prints (which can be sold through sites like Redbubble). You can also create a print on demand type of clothing line, which allows you to create products without having to hold inventory.

My shop: WANDERING SOUL COLLECTIVE will be launching on December 21. Make sure you sign up for my email list on the bottom of this page to find out when it launches!


There are so many ways to make money on the road. There are even some I didn’t list here, so think about your skills and what you enjoy, I’m sure there’s a job out there for you!