Top 6 Must See Places in Baja, Mexico

Baja is a dream destination for many, and for those of us who love road tripping, it’s a place to cross off the road trip bucket list one day. There are so many beautiful places in Baja California and Baja California Sur, Mexico, from beautiful clear blue waters, to unique coastal towns, to wildlife hotspots. These are the best places to stop at during your trip to Baja and everything you should do while you’re there.


While on its surface, Puertecitos is a fairly simple town in Baja Norte, it’s home to one of the most unique hot springs I’ve ever experienced. Right at sunrise and sunset is the only time you can visit because these hot springs depend on the tides of the Sea of Cortez. At low tide, you’ll be able to access these hot springs, but if you’re too late, they might be too hot! The trick is finding that sweet spot so you can soak in the beauty around you!


Guerro Negro

Guerro Negro is the northernmost town in Baja Sur. While it doesn’t have a ton to offer in the town itself, it’s a place that holds 3 world records: the largest grey whale population, the largest osprey population, and the largest salt works in the world.

Guerro Negro is known for its whale tours, and salt tours, both running daily to teach about the unique history of this small Mexican town. We took a 4 hour whale tour with Malerrimo Eco Tours (in March) and ended up surrounded by thousands of whales! Before you book a tour, make sure that you pick one with little or no environmental strikes. Malerrimo’s had the least in the area, which is why we chose them, and it was a great experience!



Mulege was the first town we visited that felt like the true Baja that everyone talks about. Between amazing architecture, adorable shops, a tropical campground, easy beach access, and a gorgeous Mission with a river view, Mulege was a place I easily could’ve stayed for a long time. If you’re only passing through, make sure you walk around town, and visit the Mission de Mulege so you can see the view of the town and the river from above.


Bahia de Concepcion

Bahia de Concepcion was easily my favorite place in all of Baja when it came to nature. This area is the large bay in between Mulege and Loreto, and you’ll pass it no matter what going both north and south. This is an area full of affordable campgrounds, kayak rentals, tropical views, and crystal clear blue waters. We spent our time here near Playa Escondido, but there are plenty of beautiful beaches to experience, and they’re all unique. The best things to do here are to get out on or in the water. Rent a kayak or paddle board, break out your snorkeling gear, or simply enjoy the serene blue calm of the Sea of Cortez.



Of all the towns we visited, Loreto was my favorite. Aside from being the safest town in Baja, Loreto is adorable, super walkable, and right near the ocean. It was also the place with the best food on our whole trip. Loreto has options for everyone, whether you’re plant based or someone who likes to try a little bit of everything! We frequented the vegan restaurant, Waicura during our time in Loreto and enjoyed eating the local Mexican ingredients used in a unique, plant based way. Loreto is also an amazing spot to do boat tours to the nearby islands!


Todos Santos

Todos Santos was our last stop on our trip south, and it was one of the best spots we stopped at. This is your hotspot for trendy restaurants, photo ops, souvenirs, and even sea turtle hatchings if you’re there at the right time. Todos Santos is also home to Hotel California, one of the most popular photo opportunities in the town. Make sure you check out the Bazaar, and explore the streets to look for unique street art!


Currently planning your Baja Road Trip? Click HERE to find out everything you need to cross the border!